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Keynote Like A Pro

There are three vital factors crucial to success in a presentation: the content of the presentation (stories), design, and presentation skills. There are already countless books on presentations in bookstores. In this book, I intended to strike a balance between presentation design philosophy, which is revealed in the previously published presentation books, and slideware guide books. Furthermo..
There are three vital factors crucial to success in a presentation: the content of the presentation (stories), design, and presentation skills. There are already countless books on presentations in bookstores. In this book, I intended to strike a balance between presentation design philosophy, which is revealed in the previously published presentation books, and slideware guide books. Furthermore, I tried to apply Keynote (Apple’s slideware, which is used by the company’s CEO Steve Jobs) to the philosophy we learned from books like “Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery.” The purpose of this book is not to solely focus on the explanation of the software itself. It is more accurate to call it a presentation design book that introduces readers to the presentations made by Steve Jobs, who is world renown as a presentation guru.
Victor Choi found Keynote User Group to research how we can visualize our idea by using Apple Keynote. Since 2007 he has adopted Keynote through TEDxMyeongDong events,IgniteSeoul,and etc. He used to be a trainer of Apple Authorized Training Center to teach Apple iWork. Currently he is CEO of IVISUAL which is Keynote presentation education and consulting company. He consulted speakers' Keynote presentation at Techplus Forum and Seoul Digial Forum. Also, he was responsible for TED Worldwide Talent Search in Seoul as the production manager. IVISUAL is developing ebooks and iOS apps,too. He currently lives in Seoul,Korea.

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